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Homemade Thick Hot Chocolate in 10 Minutes

With the chilly temperatures upon us, and Halloween behind us, it's time we start thinking about warm sweet treats.

Hot Chocolate for Kids in the Snow

Did you know those convenient little instant hot chocolate packets are lined with plastic?  You can't recycle them.  They last forever.  I've realized through my efforts to use less plastic, is that we can make almost everything from scratch - without all that waste.  From mayonnaise to powdered sugar, there isn't much we can't make plastic free, and that includes this amazing hot chocolate.  

Got 10 minutes this weekend?  Brrrrring this deliciousness into your home.

Thick Hot Chocolate - From Scratch

A few years ago I discovered Sipping Chocolate, which is possibly the most decadent treat ever on a cold stressful day.  Thick and warm and magnificent.  When I found out these Italian Hot Chocolates are made with melted chocolate and whipping cream or half & half, I realized I couldn't be having these calorie-packed treats on a regular basis.  So I was glad to find this recipe which is modified from one of our favorite cookbooks, West Coast Cooking by Greg Atkinson

Makes about 2 cups of Hot Chocolate (enough for 4-5 BittyMugs) 


  • 1/4 c unsweetened cocoa powder (we refill our Fair Trade cocoa from the bulk section)
  • 1/2 c brown sugar
  • 2 T cornstarch (this is the thickener, so use less if you want it thinner)
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 c water
  • 2 c milk
  • vanilla
  • cayenne or flaked salt (optional)


Thick Hot Chocolate Ingredients on the Ready

Have all your ingredients ready to go - this comes together quickly.  You can heat up the milk separately to speed up the final step.

Whisk dry ingredients over medium heat

With the stovetop on medium heat, whisk the dry cocoa powder, brown sugar, cornstarch and salt in a saucepan.  Keep whisking the dry ingredients until you notice it starts to stick to the bottom of the pan.

Add the water and whisk quickly

Continue whisking and slowly add the water.  It will sizzle and steam, so be ready to whisk and get all the clumps evenly mixed while it comes to a boil (about 30 seconds).

Stream in the milk

Continue whisking and slowly stream in the cold or hot milk.  Stir gently until mixture comes to a boil.  The hot chocolate will thicken more as it cools.

Pour and Serve in BittyMugs™

Remove from heat and add the vanilla.  Cool for a few minutes and top with cayenne, salt flakes, or your homemade marshmallows. Serve!!

BittyMugs™ Hot Chocolate Mugs - ready to brave the cold


These Hot Chocolate Mugs can be cooled with snow if needed


Heather is the founder of Wildini™, a zero waste company dedicated to supporting animal conservation through eco-friendly products for kids. "As a kid I always wanted to help save wild animals and Wildini is a vehicle to living that dream." says Heather. Heather writes about minimizing waste, animal conservation successes and clever products at Wildini.com.

1 comment

Nov 06, 2017 • Posted by Barbara

Thank you for this recipe! I have been meaning to find a good recipe for hot chocolate and this looks both yummy and way better than the pre packaged varieties. My kids will be eager to taste this soon!

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