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Wildini Blog

A Positive Outlook on 2040

Looking back on the last 17 years, I would never have guessed that the picture of today would be so ….GREEN!   Here's a story of a bright future, as imagined by Wildini Founder, Heather Alvis. Today marks the 1-year anniversary...


Decorative Tree with Leaf Rubbings

This week's craft idea spawned from a few images I had seen of miniature trees decorated with construction paper leaves.  We added a new spin on the leaves, which created a charming result.  I only wish I had several more...


Homemade Thick Hot Chocolate in 10 Minutes

With the chilly temperatures upon us, and Halloween behind us, it's time we start thinking about warm sweet treats. Did you know those convenient little instant hot chocolate packets are lined with plastic?  You can't recycle them.  They last forever.  I've realized through...


Wildini Animal Pack

Sign Up for Our Occasional Packet of Fun Animal Activities for Your Kids